Daily Diatribe

26 August 2003

Been a bit slow getting to an update as I have stumbled across an online Blood Bowl game that, to be quite frank, I have been addicted to in the past week.  If you know about Blood Bowl or are interested click here.

In general, I have started to update my general gaming section... [gaming]

22 August 2003

So much has happened... where to start?

Pauline Hanson has gone to jail.  Some will argue that it is way too harsh, but I beg to differ.  She has caused untold damage to this country by her vile politics and I think 3 years is barely enough.  [rant]

And finally, someone has put together an inquiry into Australia's intelligence services and its role in the presentation of Iraq as an immediate and hostile threat via its WMD programme.  [rant]

Shane Warne?  Do we care??  Our TV current affairs programs have been going nuts over this story.  Which is sad when you consider the two stories above.  All I will say on the matter is that Warne is obviously a sleaze and hits on women.  If his wife approves and they have an open marriage, so what.  Is this pathetic story worth the ink?  No!  Why don't the journo's go down to the local RSL on a Saturday night and bust all the 35+ blokes hitting onto women young enough to be their daughters (or in Warne's case, their mothers).  Enough already please!  Move on...

Being an engineer by background, I came across this sign and found it rather funny.  I feel sorry for Todd [picture]

20 August 2003

As I said below in my last post, I don't rate the Australian teams chances at the Rugby World Cup.  Click here to find out why... [rant]

Censorship.  Now there's an interesting topic.  A friend's workplace has last week decided to reject all emails that breach their "Profanity" policy.  I can't believe that it is an employers responsibility to protect us from swear words! [rant]

And this whole Weapons of Mass Destruction or WMD's for those with a TLA fetish... seems as though Tony Blair is in the poo... (oops, I think I breached my Profanity Policy).  [article]

And I found a new humour site as well today... beware though if you are a subscriber or unwilling participant in a Profanity Policy (do you think I have pushed the joke too far?) [link]

17 August 2003

A weekend that has been dominated by sports..

Firstly, my team in the NRL - St George Illawarra - has been beaten and for all intents and purposes looks like missing out on the playoffs.  Pretty disappointing is an understatement.

Secondly, the Wallabies have lost the Bledisloe Cup against the NZ All Blacks at Eden Park NZ.  I guess in this case we were underdogs and it wasn't surprising considering the Kiwi's spanked us in Game 1.

Whilst on Rugby, I scored a World Cup ticket to Australia vs Romania... sure Romania is not the biggest team in Union, but as far as form goes, I reckon I might be seeing Australia's only win at the World Cup!  The problem for me is I am going all the way to Brisbane to watch it....

13 August 2003

A big day today, plenty to add...

Firstly, the Forum has had a little bit of activity.  I've had a bit of a spray at the concept of the Death Penalty (whilst I am for it in some instances, I don't think the Amrozi case is one).  Please feel to add to the debate.

Secondly, whilst answering a poster on the Forum, I added this link.  If you like September 11 conspiracy theories, then check it out.  I have added it to my [Truth] pages for posterity...

Also, it appears our esteemed Prime Minister may be getting into a bit of trouble for the fact he may have misled Parliament (AGAIN!) over a minor $5million tax issue with a Brazilian importer of Ethanol... strange but true... I will probably have a bit more to say about this later, but check out this and this for further reading...

And to top my day off, it appears "somebody" tipped off CityRail that there "may" be some strange men of "Micronesian appearance" (is that Indonesian?) planning to place "a package" (note they don't say bomb) on a Sydney train.  Consequently thousands of commuters where put out when the Police decided to search bags at Town Hall and other City Circle stations... needless to say nothing was uncovered and the Sydney's paranoia level just went up a notch...

On the funny side (and don't we need it), my mate Gools sent me this today.  If you like beer, and you need an excuse, read this

12 August 2003

Well it seems that half the world is caught up with the Shane Warne saga.  I have to say that I honestly think the lady is just in it for a buck... (or Rand if you're from Sth Africa), but it is clear that something has happened between the two as I understand Warne's management have said "they have not had sex" as opposed to simply denying the whole thing.  The guy is a brilliant bowler, but a complete goose off the field...

A new link for you... I found this site that seems to be a US version of what I am intending for here at ClayInfinity.  Check out "Greg's Opinion" [link]  (and I have refreshed the layout of my links page in general as well)

Received this photo today which I think describes some of the gung-ho attitude that comes out of the US sometimes... [link]

And "Hi" to Sumwhahn Yhoduno who dropped by and left me a message on the Forum.  Nice to see that I am getting attention across the world in Mumbai... or is that West Pennant Hills in Sydney???

10 August 2003

The end of another weekend... not much happening... Amrozi case seems to have drifted off the news (no reference at all today on the 6pm bulletin) and nor was Iraq or North Korea... maybe the news is waiting for the next big thing.  Have no idea what I'm talking about?  Well click through to my next [Rant]

On the home front, my mother-in-law has recovered from surgery to correct potential bowel cancer.  She's in intensive care, but is looking good!  Well done Beryl, hope you're home soon.

8 August 2003

Well Amrozi the Bali Bomber has been sentenced to death by the Indonesian Court.  I have a number of mixed views about this.  Firstly, is the reason why Amrozi so happy because he knows he will die a martyr and that his JI comrades will follow his death with further terrorist acts?  Secondly, for a country that does not have capital punishment, we seem fairly happy about not just the verdict, but also the punishment to be meted out.  Is this because of media influence or do we really see a need for capital punishment?

I note that the Sydney Morning Herald is running a poll in which 72% of respondents are favouring Life in Prison over execution.  Click here for a comprehensive lot of articles and the above poll.  Feel free to have your say in my Forum

6 August 2003

Saw an interesting article today.  I think it sums up a lot of my views on America and how it is dominating the world.  It is not "anti-American" but it does provide a balanced view and gives an interesting perspective on recent world events... if you don't mind a good read (it is a tad long), feel free to take a look.  [Truth]

4 August 2003

Been a few days since my last posting - hectic weekend doing nothing I guess... so here's a whole swag of new things...

If you're like me and like "urban legends" check out snopes.com.  I thought this site was pretty interesting and I have added it to my links page.

And it seems that John Howard is planning to cut disability pensions to make way for additional spending in other areas (say, the military may need a bit!)... here what I have to say...  [rant]

In site news, I am planning to get registered with a number of search engines, so if you have made your way here by some bizarre linking from Google or something, I welcome you!  Feel free to drop me a line at my Forum section!

1 August 2003

Happy Birthday to all the Horses!

The Links page is up and running.  Some gaps, but they will fill in as time goes by...

I have also started to archive stuff off the homepage... check out the Daily Diatribe archive.

It has been a rather hectic week on the work front, and I am certainly glad its the weekend.  Big news is that this weekend, I am off to order my glasses... Turns out I am a little bit Long Sighted and hence need some glasses for reading and work on the PC... maybe I will make all my fonts...

 24Pt so I can see!


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