Nation Has Been Destroyed - And You Say "Too Harsh!"
Witch is Dead!
Hanson will in my mind go down as one of the blackest (excuse
the pun) in our nations short history. This woman
brought this countries political system to its knees and
caused our nation to become so divided and to give minorities
with horrible views a main stream voice that I found totally
recap, Pauline Hanson was the woman who managed to get herself
a seat in Federal Parliament (after being a member of BOTH
political parties previously) and made a maiden speech in
Parliament that called for the ceasing of Asian Immigration
and the return to a "White Australia Policy"
reminiscent of the 1950's.
turn, she turned this country upside down with outrageous
claims that migrants of the non-Anglo Saxon variety be banned
from entering, those in deported, and those who manage to stay
be excluded from taking "white Australian"
university spots, hospital beds and jobs. She turned
Australia into a hotbed of racial vilification that saw our
country's good name thrown in the mud, particularly in the
eyes of Asian nations.
course though, she found a reasonable amount of supporters
amongst some of our less enlightened citizens and I can recall
many a story in the media about Ku Klux Klan groups forming,
racially motivated violence and other terrible events.
newly created part One Nation swung the balance of power in
the Queensland State Election and probably robbed the Federal
Labor Party from taking power in the Federal election of that
it has been discovered that the formation of the One Nation
party was done illegally and fraudulently and as a result she
has been sent to jail for 3 years. For the pain and
suffering she has inflicted upon us all for her racist views,
her complete lack of intelligence, her nasally voice, her
stupidity (I know, I have to mention it twice) and for her
arrogant self-serving attitude to Australian politics, I think
3 years is a good price to pay.
all the civil libertarians out there about how we should not
be jailing people for political speech, you are wrong.
Hanson made her attempt to spread her racist views illegally
and hence has to pay the bill.
Cry for the Sleazy Grub", Alan Ramsay, SMH 23 August 2003
Too Harsh", News Limited, 23 August 2003 [article]
Unofficial Pauline Hanson Web Site [link]