Daily Diatribe

25 September 2003

The editor(s) of ClayInfinity will be away on holidays until 1 October.  In the interim I leave you with the following quote credited to a work colleague of mine:

War is Gods way of teaching Americans about Geography...

It's worth thinking about...

21 September 2003

Sunday night... another weekend over...  I must admit, I have been a bit distracted this weekend by sport.  Firstly, my own cricket team got a win in the first game of the season and secondly, I spent most of my free time watching NRL playoffs...

One thing though that horrified me this week is the tragedy that occurred in Sydney this week in which a man stabbed his own children (aged 4 and 1), his father-in-law and himself to death.  All in front of the mother of the children.  The absolute senselessness of it amazes me and I still get shivers every time I read an article or it's mentioned on TV.  At least the guy is dead, but geez... [article

17 September 2003

Here it is! The definitive article about why Johnny "Man of Steel" Howard and his government are a disgrace and why, despite his unpopularity, Simon Crean - anybody - should be elected in the next election (which appears to be anytime between tomorrow and December 2004).  [article]

Whilst on Our Johnny, I came across this study that blames Howard's lack of "sexuality" (amongst other things) is driving people insane... I don't know if this is a real McCoy article or not, but the pictures at least make for a laugh! [truth]

And we were impressed with Osama Bin Laden releasing his latest video clip on the eve of September 11... but was it him?  Here's the proof... [link]

14 September 2003

Seems to be a big push for NSW Premier Bob Carr to leave the state political scene and take over the Federal Labor leadership from the inept Simon Crean... personally I couldn't agree more... but why would Bob Carr leave a position of strength and power where he has the whip hand, to be the whipping boy for at least the next 7 years in Canberra? [forum]

The inquiry into the "suicide" of Dr David Kelly, the person who was about to spill the beans on the Blair Govt's lack of evidence against Iraq has been set up.  This link is very thorough, and if you're interested in the subject there is a ton of info here.  [link]

My local cricket team kicked off it's season yesterday... Read about the action here: [link]

And my Blood Bowl teams have had an unfortunate run lately... check out the latest match reports here [Blood Bowl]

12 September 2003


"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if 
Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running
around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills 
and listening to repetitive electronic music."

Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

Perhaps Mr Wilson was a true prophet after all...

8 September 2003

Well, September 11 is fast approaching and it is hard to believe that it's going to be 2 years since that fateful day in New York... the world hasn't, nor will be, the same again.  As a bit of a conspiracy theorist, it's this time of year that a lot of things come out in the press regarding Sept 11.  I thought today I may provide some links to some stories (some new, some old) that talk about Sept 11 and what really or perhaps happened...

  • Was the Pentagon struck by a Boeing, or was it a bomb... [link]

  • A page on the Top 10 Conspiracy Theories of 2002... [link]

  • Was there a massive amount of gold under the WTC?  [link]

  • A bizarre site saying that UFO's were sighted on 11 Sept... [link]

I'll add more sites as I come across them - there are sure to be plenty 

Whilst on conspiracies, have you ever wondered if the world of the "Matrix" (you know, the whole world is an illusion / computer programme...) was closer to the truth than fiction?  Well check out these short stories / comics based on the world of the "Matrix"... [link]

And on the Australian political front - nuthin'!

3 September 2003

Why haven't I been ranting on about Johnny Howard lately?  Is it because I feel as though I am the only one who gives a stuff?  I can't believe this, but here's my "rant" on why I can't bring myself to "rant".... I think its weird too, don't worry... [rant]

New link... a new humour site, not G rated though... [link]

In my gaming news, my Blood Bowl league team lost its first match... [report]

And hasn't this Australian Idol concept taken off.... for all the hype, I think this reality show has "Jumped The Shark" already... watching blubbering fat blokes is not what I call entertainment...

1 September 2003

September already.  The scary thing is that I have heard the word "Christmas" used frequently already and that people are beginning to gear up for it.  I can't believe its that time of year already... I've been asked what do my kids want for Christmas this year and a friend this weekend asked if we going to put Christmas lights up like my neighbours... (in a word "No!" - we're not the Griswalds!)  Let me know the first time you see Xmas decorations in the shops... shouldn't be too far now... and I'll send you a prize...

(If you're wondering were all the content from pre September is... its in the archive already...)

Pauline Hanson remains in jail after being refused bail. Good on the judge for that decision!  I know I'm in a minority, but I think that sometimes the ends justify the means and in this case, it's justified. [article]

Saw the kids flick "Finding Nemo" this weekend.  I highly recommend it.  If you've got little kids like me, it's really good.  The kid sitting in front of me actually screamed at one bit... classic!

Also, I've noticed advertising at the bottom of my pages has crept in.  Must be the people of Tripod (my gracious hosts) trying to earn some revenue... don't click people...


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