Rant:  Teachers On Strike,. How about Paying Them!

Those Damned Teachers - What's Wrong With Poverty Ya Bastards!

Well it appears that the teachers in NSW (and potentially other states) are about to go on a further strike over pay and conditions.  The NSW State Government will play the "tsk tsk, aren't those teachers naughty for depriving your children of an education card" and the media will roast the Teachers for it.

The pressure will build until the two parties settle for a government favoured compromise.  Which will hold the wolves from the door for another 18-24 months.

Teachers will end up with the "Black Hats" whilst in the layman's eyes, the Government will come out looking like the "White Hats".  But has anybody seriously asked why these industrial actions need to take place?

Before I continue, a disclaimer - I am not a teacher.  My wife however is, so I speak from a knowledge base that is reasonably first hand. 

NSW Public School Teachers are pitifully paid.  A typical class room teacher of 10 years experience would be in today's world earning around $45,000 per annum.  This is for a university trained individual with 10 years practical experience.  Some of you may say "$45K, that's good money" but lets compare it to other practices....

An Engineer, upon graduating should be getting $45K.  That's before 1 single day of work experience....

A CPA trained accountant after a few (say 3) years of experience, should be
earning $50K....

A Personal Assistant of 7-8 years experience should be earning $50K minimum and I have employed and know of women working in that field who are on a lot more for less experience.  Ray Williams, CEO of HIH Insurance's PA was on a generous $110K per annum.  That's a secretary people....  earning nearly 3 times the salary of a highly qualified and experienced teacher.

So, teaching, a profession that has extensive dealings with every human being through their formative years is hamstrung by a government that refuses to meet market salary demands.  This year, the teachers are asking for a 25% increase over 2 years, which would raise my "typical teacher" to a salary of a bit over $56K.  Still hardly comparable to the salary brackets exhibited above.

The government responds with an offer to settle at 6% - and I would suspect that this would have been after some already protracted negotiations behind closed doors.

But what are teachers supposed to think when they read of Australian Federal funding of Private Schools that rings like international phone numbers.  Last year, Trinity Grammar a well supported and sponsored private school in Sydney received over $5,000,000 (yes, that's MILLION), in funding.  One school of say 1000 students received $5M whilst public schools in Sydney's West receive only enough funding to allow each teacher only 500 sheets of photo copy paper.  That equates to about 1 sheet of paper per student per fortnight... ridiculous!

So, their schools receive nothing, their own back pockets receive a pittance and the standard of public schooling deteriorates dramatically.

But its the poor teachers that cop the criticism...

So, in summary, Private Schools mean Private Funding.  Stop sending our tax dollars (which teachers contribute to) to Private Schools and start pumping it into the public system and their staff back pockets.

PS - Teachers, you should also move into the corporate times and have your personal performances contribute to your personal remuneration... no more hiding dodgy teachers in the system either!




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