Rant:  Man of Steel hosts Man of Nonsense...

The Leader of the World arrives in Australia - right after George W Bush left!

George W Bush arrived last week for a visit.  He was in our lucky country for precisely 21 hours.  Considering it takes 13 hours to get here from LA, that is a fairly short trip considering the travel time... was he only here to meet Steve Irwin and buy an Akubra Hat??  Who bloody knows.

But he did pop in to our quaint little Parliament House for a chin-wag and he did have some nice things to say on how the War On Terror is going.  It is always nice to get an update on how these things are going.

And some of our parliamentarians had the nerve to interject and query the President on some matter about how two Australian citizens have been held without trial for nearly two years in Guantanamo Bay... really, doesn't time fly!

But all was well and the people who were elected to those spots in Parliament were ejected and hence denied to represent the people who elected them.  But that's ok, otherwise our parliament would have been embarrassed in front of the CNN press.  Couldn't have that, Mrs Howard had made a cake and everything and it would not have looked good.

And then the President went to Johnny's for a BBQ and that chap John Eales was there.  He gave the President a Rugby jersey because the Rugby World Cup is on at the moment and we thank George because without him, Australia wouldn't have been able to beat Namibia 146-0!  If the Terrorists had their way, we'd have given up the rugby and taken up the Koran... and I can't speak a word of Arabic.  (I don't know the rules of rugby either, but nobody does anyway)

Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter was there too.  He is such a national treasure!  And Mr Kerry Packer was there too because we do have to show off our richest man to the Americans.  They do value exploitation and capitalism.

And Alan Jones and John Laws were there to.  I am sure they took a white envelope each and will say lovely things in their respective radio shows.

And our Johnny even got to raise the subject of a Free Trade Agreement and was "promised" it would be discussed at another time.  I am so glad George Bush was here, we got so much out of it!

And then Dr Hu, President of China turned up in the Tardis.  He was from the future and said we were all stuffed and that China will soon rule the world...

That's disappointing, I was so impressed with that George Bush... he seemed to know what was going on...




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